After a 14-year absence, Eric Clapton will return to France in May 2024 for a limited run of shows in...
“The Universe Is Watching Us – Our Unimaginable Fate…" - Stevie Wonder
Albert Lee, one of the most respected guitarists in music history, has become a Turn Up For Recovery Ambassador! Turn...
Eric Clapton, one of the world’s all-time greatest guitarists, marks 60 years as a professional musician this month. Like many...
The Where's Eric! Team has put together a list of some key things to "know before you go" to
The long-awaited return of Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival takes place September 23rd and 24th. A limited number of previously...
Father and son musicians, Nathan and Noah East, have become Turn Up For Recovery's newest Ambassadors! TUFR Ambassadors believe music...
Due to a standard medical issue, Buddy has been advised by his team to cancel his performance at Crossroads. Buddy...
Eric Clapton revisits the Bob Marley classic he originally helped immortalize with a powerful acoustified version of “I Shot The...
Eric Clapton performed the final concert of his 2023 North American Tour at Denver's Ball Arena on Saturday, September 16th....