June 2009 marks the 30th Anniversary of the first Amnesty International benefit show, "The Secret Policeman's Ball." In the ensuing...
This contest ended on 24 June 2009.On 19 and 20 March 2009, Eric Clapton was a guest of The Allman...
American radio host and legendary program director, Redbeard, recently had the opportunity to talk with both Eric Clapton and Steve...
On 27 July 2007, Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood performed a short, electrifying set at Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival outside...
Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood and their supporting musicians pulled into Columbus, Ohio for a one-night sold out performance at the...
Eric Clapton is featured in a number of newly released videos from the 1980s Prince's Trust Rock Galas. Available exclusively...
Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood and their band rolled into Washington D.C. for one performance at the Verizon Center on 13...
Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood continued their 14-date jaunt around the United States with a stop in Philadelphia on 12...
Legendary musicians Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood opened up their 14-date tour of the United States on 10 June 2009...
Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood kick off their 14-date U.S. Tour on Wednesday, 10 June 2009 at the Izod Center in...