Bobby Whitlock, most famously known as a member of Derek & The Dominos alongside Eric Clapton, has had his first...
This year, Where's Eric! is celebrating a few milestones: Where's Eric! The Eric Clapton Fan Club Magazine turned 21 and...
Expanded And Remastered Version Of Eric Clapton’s Multi-Grammy Winning, Diamond-Certified Album Features Unreleased Music And Previously Unseen Rehearsal Footage. Available Worldwide...
The Editor of Where's Eric! Magazine was clearing out a closet this weekend and tucked away were some back issues....
Marcella Detroit, aka Marcy Levy, is one of the top popular music vocalists around - an accomplished guitarist and prolific...
Eric Clapton will headline the final two evenings of the Baloise Session, an annual indoor music festival in Basel, Switzerland...
The Where's Eric! Team travelled from several cities around the world to cover the two-night 2013 Crossroads Guitar Festival. Check...
Updated with set list and additional details! On 6 August in Santa Monica, California, Eric Clapton sat in at McCabe's...
The legendary American Singer / Songwriter, JJ Cale, died on Friday 26 July of a heart attack at Scripps Hospital...
WATCH THE MOVIE TRAILER HERE! U.S. Fans can experience the best performances from Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival 2013 in...