Eric Clapton Bootography Information on thousands of Eric Clapton bootleg recordings 1964-2002 that were “released” on CD. The site has not been updated since 2002.
Geetarz A bootleg CD artwork archive plus information on Eric Clapton bootleg recordings 1964-2009. Also features The Beatles, The Who, Neil Young, CSNY, SRV etc. It has not been updated since 2009.
Shun & Lisa EC Fanpage aka My Favorite Eric Clapton Fan Page. Created by two Japanese fans. The site is mostly in Japanese with some content in English. Photos, tour programs, extensive information on Japanese Tours.
Slowhand Blues Guitar was expanded and is now the 12 Bar Blues Guitar Forum. It has guitar tablatures to many of Eric’s songs, plus guitar tutorials and blues techniques.
Slowhand Tourography The site was last updated in 2009 and lists many shows from 1964-2009; early years shows discovered through research by several authors are not included.